BDWYW - 002 - The living room inside the Millford show home at Centurion Meadows

West Yorkshire homebuilder highlights three storey living with dolls house infographic

Barratt and David Wilson Homes Yorkshire West is integrating new building regulations to improve energy efficiency standards into new homes across the county.

Homeowners at Barratt and David Wilson Homes’ developments in West Yorkshire have the potential to make substantial cost savings on their energy bills, while enjoying eco-friendly and sustainable living.

The new property features are all about making homes super energy-efficient, in order to ensure the ability to use less energy for heating, lighting, and other everyday needs.

Such features include electric car charging points and solar photovoltaic panels, which capture the sun’s energy and coverts it into electricity that can be used in the home.

Other features include argon-filled double-glazing which allows the heat from the sun to enter the home whilst minimising heat loss, and a waste water heat recovery system which uses the outgoing waste warm water to pre-heat the fresh cold mains water coming into the home, reducing the energy required to power the boiler.

Buildings are having to perform to higher standards – reducing CO2 emissions by 31%, together with a new emphasis on low carbon heating systems. These measures are also an interim step towards the Future Homes Standard that will arrive in 2025.

The properties that fall under the new building regulations are 74% cheaper to run, meaning homeowners can make savings of up to £ 2,575 when compared with existing properties.

Sam Wood, Sales Director at Barratt and David Wilson Homes Yorkshire West, said: “We’re thrilled to introduce greater energy efficiency into our new homes at developments across the county. It’s all about giving our homeowners the best of both worlds – beautiful, comfortable homes that are also budget-friendly.

“With the potential to save up to £2,590 per year, new build properties are a game-changer for our customers.

“As such, we’d encourage anybody interested in finding a new property in West Yorkshire to speak to our Sales Advisers to find out more about the new properties available, to ensure they don’t miss out on the first pick of the new homes.”

For details about any developments in the area, visit the website at Barratt Homes West Yorkshire or David Wilson Homes West Yorkshire.