
A Personal Choice! Lord Mayor of York chosen charities

‘Stroke Association’ Chosen by Lord Mayor as key charity for 2024 – 25

The incoming Lord Mayor of York; Cllr Margaret Wells has chosen her charities for her year in office, the headline charity will be Stroke Association. Both the Lord Mayor Elect and Sheriff Elect Fiona Fitzpatrick are both stoke survivors and know first-hand of the great support that the association provided them as residents of York following their strokes.

Other charities chosen by the incoming civics includes ‘Survive’ who help adult survivors of rape, sexual abuse or child sexual abuse to rebuild their lives. ‘York RLFC Foundation’ the official charity of York RLFC was also chosen and they use the power of sport and the York RLFC reputation to give the community skills to lead fulfilled healthy and active lifestyles and the fourth charity is ‘York City Football Club Foundation’ which states that the impactful work of the Foundation is aimed at improving community cohesion; reducing social isolation and loneliness; addressing holiday hunger and young people’s health working with local organisations and services across the City.

The Lord Mayor elect said ‘A key part of the role is both fundraising for worthy causes as well as raising the profile of local charities that do life changing work within the community for the benefit of the residents of York. When choosing the charities I wanted to showcase a broad range and what York has to offer and to help as many people as possible.’

The Incoming Sheriff of York and Lord Mayor of York pictured with Mags Godderidge the CEO of Survive.

Fiona Fitzpatrick, Sherrif elect said ‘We are excited to be working with these amazing charities, we have some great fundraising events planned including the popular ‘Assize of Ale’ and annual ‘Charity Ball’. In the coming weeks we will announce the many exciting other events over the next 12 months and I am sure that there will be something for everyone to enjoy.’

The year of office for Cllr Margaret Wells, Fiona Fitzpatrick and their consorts Paul Midgley and Geoff Cossins starts on Thursday 23rd May at the annual Inauguration Day.

Incoming Civic Party pictured with Stuart Mitchell, Relationship Manager from Stroke Association. Back L – Lord Mayor’s Consort; Paul Midgley Back R – Sheriff’s Consort; Geoff Cossins Front L – Lord Mayor of York (Elect) Cllr Margaret Wells, Front C – Stuart Mitchell and Front R – Sheriff of York (Elect) Fiona Fitzpatrick