Christeyns 10072023

Christeyns gets busy working on their brushstrokes

Staff at hygiene specialist Christeyns took a day out from their busy schedules recently to help renovate St Johns Bowling Church, located close to their own HQ in Bradford.


Several members of staff, including Operations Director Justin Kerslake, spent a day adding a fresh coat of paint to the church hall which hosts a number of community activities on a daily basis.

St Johns Bowling is very much a community hub offering support and guidance as well as lots of activities where everyone can get involved. Christeyns works with Participate Projects who run a business volunteering scheme that supports hundreds of projects, helping to tackle a wide range of issues such as disability sport, community buildings and assets, youth provision, wildlife and environment, homelessness, and much more.

Sarah Stringer, Christeyns HR Manager, commented, “At Christeyns we are committed to making a difference in the local community and by doing so enriching the lives of our own employees.  We were delighted to be able to support St Johns Bowling which plays an important role in the lives of many local people.”


Christeyns offers all its members of staff the opportunity to take paid leave in order to help out a local charity or good cause through its volunteering initiative.