Interactive workshop to teach skills for better communication and career progression in York

Interactive workshop to teach skills for better communication and career progression in York

York-based HR consultants McMillan & Associates is holding a workshop for businesses and individuals to better understand communication styles in the workplace. The ‘Insights Discovery’ workshop will be held on 14 June 2023 at the Alternative Workspace, in York city centre, for a maximum of 12 people with the aim of helping them to develop their self-awareness, communicate more effectively and progress in their career or business.

Insights Discovery is a tool based on the psychology of Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, used for individual performance or wider team development. Based on a four-colour model, it highlights key personality preferences and associated behaviours, to help individuals understand their style, strengths, and the value they bring to a team. Suitable for employees of all levels it helps individuals to become better leaders, or team players and be more successful at work and in their personal lives.

The workshop will be delivered by HR experts Liz Blount and Zoe Nicholl from McMillan & Associates HR, with more than 30 years combined experience in HR and Organisational Development in public and private sector organisations, including working across several NHS trusts and other organisations. Both are qualified coaches and specialise in helping to develop individuals to find their full potential, and to get the most out of their people and their teams.

Delegates will be invited to complete an assessment and will receive a full report and personal profile. The workshop will focus on understanding the ‘insights’ provided so that individuals understand their own and others’ communication preferences, connect better with colleagues, improve productivity and collaboration, develop a common language to aid challenges and overcome conflict.

Zoe Nicholl, OD Consultant said: “We are thrilled to be able to deliver this in-person workshop to extend the skills and confidence of people and leaders navigating the current workplace. Insights Discovery is such a powerful tool and we look forward to helping people to learn about themselves to so they can take develop their self-awareness and achieve their aspirations both individually and as a team.”

Liz Blount, HR & OD Consultant commented:  “We know from the feedback we get that individuals find Insights Discovery incredibly useful in learning more about themselves and others.  It is a powerful tool, that helps me to understand how people want to hear from me and recognise how I need to communicate with them, both professionally and personally.  We are delighted to be able to share this more widely and enable individuals as well as businesses to benefit.”

Tickets for the workshop, assessment and detailed report on 14 June are £295 and can be booked via Event Brite. If attendees have completed an Insights Discovery assessment previously, the cost will be reduced to £150

McMillan & Associates HR also offers bespoke inhouse package, tailored for the needs of businesses who are interested in developing their teams using Insights Discovery.

To learn more, please visit