
Leeds-based mental health advocate and speaker Oly Newton is bringing change through storytelling and community impact

Oly Newton, a passionate mental health speaker and founder of Lights On Wellbeing, is making waves with his mission to give back through powerful storytelling and mental health support. After battling severe OCD, anxiety, and depression for over a decade, Oly’s recovery journey has transformed into an international movement, touching the lives of thousands.

From a young age, Oly knew he was different. Trapped by rituals, routines, and negative thoughts, later identified as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), he masked his struggles and feared speaking out. After leaving school, his life began to crumble around him, leaving him isolated, consumed by intrusive thoughts, and riddled with anxiety. By 2007, his mental health had severely deteriorated, marking the beginning of a decade-long battle with severe mental illness, including undiagnosed ADHD, that pushed him to the brink.

During those dark years, Oly faced suicidal ideation, strained relationships, and a temporary escape abroad. OCD, one of the most misunderstood and debilitating mental health conditions, often left him trapped in isolation. His diagnosis came late, further compounded by misconceptions about the illness and media misrepresentation.

However, in 2017, Oly was handed an unexpected lifeline in the form of running. Initially unfamiliar territory, he put on some old gym gear and alternated between running, jogging, and walking, covering close to 5 km in about 40 minutes. This marked the beginning of his recovery journey. Though the relief was brief, it was profound—his thoughts quieted, and his anxiety eased for the first time in ten years. Since then, Oly has run almost every day, covering more than 24,000 kilometres over seven years. This personal pursuit evolved into a global community, Run4YourMind, where Oly supports runners worldwide, using running as a tool to manage life’s challenges.

Motivated by a quote he discovered during his journey—”Learn to become comfortable feeling uncomfortable”—Oly began to push himself beyond his limits. One of his greatest challenges was overcoming social anxiety, which made even simple tasks like meeting friends for a beer difficult. With encouragement from his family, Oly pinpointed public speaking as his most daunting hurdle and set out to tackle it head-on.

His first opportunity came six months later when his workplace at the time invited him to speak about his journey with Run4YourMind. Despite his anxiety, Oly took the stage, and that moment became a turning point. He realised that by stepping outside of his comfort zone, he could reclaim control over his life—and inspire others to do the same.

Since then, Oly has shared his story with some of the largest corporations around the world, professional sports teams, universities in the USA, and hundreds of schools across the UK. He’s been featured in documentaries about OCD, created impactful school programmes, and teamed up with a fellow speaker to deliver 100 free mental health talks to 25,000 young people across 63 schools nationally.

But for Oly, the greatest victory was much simpler: after years of avoiding social situations, running and speaking out finally enabled him to go for a beer with his dad for the first time in a decade. What most people take for granted are the very things that meant the most to him. These moments of normality and connection slowly began to come back into his life.

What truly sets Oly apart is his unique “School Sponsorship” initiative. With every corporate speaking engagement, Oly offers a free talk to a local school of the business’s choice. This initiative not only allows him to give back to young people in a meaningful way but also offers corporations an opportunity to witness the lasting impact of his message on both their team and the next generation.

Oly’s journey from silent suffering to mental health advocacy is a testament to the power of resilience and community. His mission is far from over—he continues to share his story, spark conversations about mental health, and make a lasting difference in people’s lives worldwide.