
Why hiring refugees is good for business

Wednesday 27th March, 10am – 4pm

Norcroft Centre, University of Bradford, BD7 1DP

Bradford City of Sanctuary and the University of Bradford invite you to a free networking event on employing highly motivated and skilled refugees in West Yorkshire!

Are you an employer looking to diversify your workforce and tap into a pool of enthusiastic, educated, skilled, and resilient individuals? The refugee population in West Yorkshire includes both talented and qualified people, and motivated and resourceful learners, eager to contribute to the local workforce.

Refugees arriving in the UK, many of whom are highly educated and skilled, face various challenges in accessing employment despite their qualifications and motivation. This seminar aims to shed light on these challenges and provide insights into how employers can unlock the potential of this untapped talent pool.

We are bringing together Bradford employers, third sector organisations working with or representing refugees, agencies and organisations with experience in supporting refugees into employment, employers who have successful refugee onboarding programmes, and refugee experts by experience. We’ll be highlighting opportunities for employers, learn more about the lived refugee experience, share challenges and strategies to overcome them, and hopefully build productive relationships. Among others Migration Yorkshire, Displaced Talent, Breaking Barriers, The Growth Company, Leeds Migration Partnership, Business in the Community (the Prince’s Trust), Bradford Hospitals NHS Trust, RefuAid, Reed in Partnership, the Sophie Hayes Foundation, Bevan Healthcare and the DWP will be attending.

Please register your attendance at https://forms.office.com/e/LCvxG0tdFc. For enquiries and further information email geoff@bradford.cityofsanctuary.org



Understanding the Challenges: Learn about the common barriers refugees face in gaining employment, such as language barriers, recognition of past experience, and lack of UK work experience.

Highlighting Education and Skills: Explore the educational and professional backgrounds of refugees, showcasing the wealth of talent and experience they bring to the table.

Opportunities for Employers: Discover the benefits of recruiting from the refugee population, including access to highly educated and skilled individuals eager to contribute to the workforce.

Inclusive Recruitment Practices: Explore how an inclusive recruitment process can maximize the benefits of employing refugees and contribute to a positive working environment.

Support Services: Connect with organizations that specialize in supporting employers in recruiting and onboarding refugees, providing valuable resources and guidance.


Don’t Miss This Opportunity to Make a Difference!

Register now to secure your spot at this insightful event. Be part of the solution and discover the untapped potential that motivated and skilled refugees bring to the workforce. https://forms.office.com/e/LCvxG0tdFc


Provisional programme (subject to change)

1000-1030 Registration, coffee

1030 Welcome

1045 Keynote address

1100 Three way case study: RefuAid, a refugee expert by experience and an employer

1130 Case study: Bevan Healthcare and a refugee expert by experience

1200 Migration Yorkshire: Employment law and requirements relating to refugees

1230 Free lunch buffet

1330 Experts by Experience panel discussion Q&A

1400 Case study: Sophie Hayes Foundation and refugee expert by experience

1430 Business in The Community presentation

1500 Tea

1515 Support organisations panel discussion Q&A

1600 Close


For all enquiries and further information email geoff@bradford.cityofsanctuary.org