Do you want to improve outcomes for children in the local community?

Do you want to improve outcomes for children in the local community and have input into how young people gain business skills at school?

Are you looking for a way to boost your reputation within our local area?

Would you like your staff like to develop board-level/senior leadership skills without impacting business hours?

Join Governors for Schools at the regional launch of ‘Governor Stories’, the new campaign celebrating the diversity of volunteers and their reasons for getting involved. The event will highlight the need for volunteers from business backgrounds to drive improvement in schools and the opportunities becoming a school governor presents.

Amanda Jackson, Sustainability Project Officer, University of Leeds.
Josh Cantwell-Crook, Marketing Executive at PwC and current governor at Broomfield South SILC.
Kathryn Wilkinson, Governor Support Service Manager at Leeds City Council.
Louise Cooper, CEO of Governors for Schools

Please register your attendance or RSVP by emailing abigail.bush@governorsforschools.org.uk

You’ll also hear about the free school governor recruitment and training and support programmes Governors for Schools provides.

The event is being kindly hosted by Governors for Schools platinum level partner PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Light refreshments will be served.