
Go Higher in Green Skills

We are hosting a Green Skills and Sustainability educational event for our Uni-connect and West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) learners in years 7 & 8.

What we’re looking for:

A workshop (approx. 1 hour) to engage and excite the learners about Green Skills and Sustainability. This would need to be repeated three times across the day as we aim to split the learners into groups and produce a carousel of activities.

The workshop content could include (but not exclusive to) the following:

  • Green skills and training with a focus on potential skilled green jobs for young people.
  • Inclusive actions for the transition to a net-zero carbon economy and society.
  • Training programmes that address skills shortages and gaps and build the local skills base ready for the future.
  • Careers and inspirational activities to ensure a future pipeline of talent.
  • Considering how any existing programmes and skills delivery can contribute towards addressing the climate and environment emergencies.
  • Working together to ensure that training/jobs align with labour market demand and provision can meet future demand in the growing green economy.

Key information:

Date: Thursday 27th June

Location: Bradley Wood Campsite & Activity Centre
Shepherds Thorn Lane
Brighouse, West Yorkshire

Time: 9.30am – 2.30pm approx.

Audience: Year 7 & 8 learners from uni-connect and West Yorkshire Combined Authority target schools (wyca)