
Recruitment for new Trustees – Survive

Survive has for almost 35 years provided specialised trauma-informed counselling and support for survivors of sexual violence and abuse in York and North Yorkshire. The need for our specialised skills continues to grow as sexual violence draws attention daily. We have witnessed this growth as a charity as we supported close to 1,700 clients with around 1,000 referrals in the last year alone.

We have a small, dedicated team of employees delivering the essential work and we need to find trustees to support them.  We have two of our current trustees – the chair and treasurer – who are stepping back from their roles in the next year. We also have a new role opening as Secretary.

Our trustees play a pivotal role in shaping the future direction of Survive. They make a difference by giving their time and sharing their skills, life experience, and expertise with the charity. The role provides the opportunity to use current skills and to learn some new ones. They will be working with a team of committed and caring people who all want to do their best for the people who use Survive’s services.


Chair of Trustees:

The Chair will lead the Board of Trustees and work closely with the charity’s CEO and Executive Team to achieve its goals. They will have a strategic role ensuring that the organisation complies with its purpose, charity law and company law and that the organisation pursues its objectives as defined in its governing document.

The Chair will also ensure that the Board functions properly and that effective decisions are made and implemented. The Chair, alongside the CEO, acts as a spokesperson and advocate for the organisation.

The successful candidate is likely to have Board experience as a Chair or Deputy Chair although you may have been a Trustee for some years and now be looking for your next step. You will have excellent communication skills with great leadership qualities, the ability to confidently lead the Board, promote a collaborative team, deliver the vision of the charity, and bring people together.



Survive is seeking to appoint a treasurer, ideally with charity experience, to join their board to provide effective leadership and governance, ensuring strong oversight and financial management. We would like to hear from any candidates if they have strong financial skills especially in the charity sector.



As a new role, the Secretary to the Board of Trustees will have opportunity to support Survive through their organisational skills. Working with the Chair of the Board of Trustees and Chief Executive Officer, the candidate will help set up the ten meetings a year and liaise with trustees on putting the agenda together. They will manage the information shared out to trustees and develop the minutes. It will be a pivotal role in supporting the dedicated, caring team of trustees.

Time Commitment: Around one day a week: including attending 10 Board of Trustees meetings a year and the Annual General Meeting.

Renumeration: This is an unremunerated role, but reasonable expenses will be paid.

Find out more: Become A Trustee | Survive, York

How to apply: CV’s can be submitted together with a supporting statement (no more than 1 side of A4 paper) to


If Survive’s application pack is required in another format or if the candidate wishes to discuss how we could make adjustments for them to take on the role as a trustee, please contact Jane on 07597 023450. Applications will be considered by a shortlisting panel. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an informal interview with members of the Board of Trustees.