Sponsors needed to help inspire a love of reading in children who are looked-after

Some looked after children don’t receive post or own their own books. Leeds City Council works with BookTrust to deliver bespoke parcels of books, maths games and stationary to some of these children in Leeds. We are looking for people or businesses to sponsor a child’s year of reading by contributing £141.50 to this amazing scheme.

The BookTrust website (https://www.booktrust.org.uk/what-we-do/programmes-and-campaigns/letterbox-club/about-letterbox-club/) includes further information about  the key benefits and contents of the parcels.

If this sounds like something your business would like to get involved in, please reply to Mary.Gillespie@leeds.gov.uk with your expression of interest by the end of November.

Here is some feedback from the children who have received the Letterbox Club parcels! “I thought WOW when I got the parcel because I have never ever had a package or a parcel in my entire life, I am 10 years old.” – Shannon.