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Sustainable Green Globe launches social enterprise to support emerging artists

Sustainable Green Globe, a SME that provides eco-friendly wall art for commercial and residential properties, recently established Sustainable Artist, a social enterprise focused on helping emerging artists advance their careers in the visual art sector.

Through Sustainable Artist, Sustainable Green Globe aims to provide support for artists from all backgrounds. Initiatives include skills development workshops, training courses, employment support, facilitating access to exhibition opportunities and providing referrals to other art institutions. Sustainable Green Globe believes that empowering artists will lead to a more vibrant, diverse, and impactful art community.

“Art has the power to inspire change and bring people together,” said Ola David, CEO of Sustainable Green Globe. “With Sustainable Artist, we want to cultivate that power by giving more artists the means and opportunities to develop their craft, build authority, and contribute to the cultural fabric of our communities.”

Sustainable Artist’s first initiative is a series of workshops focused on practical skills, such as building a website, monetising art through commerce and teaching, marketing art, and sustainable art practices. The workshops has been attended by artists of different age, background and educational levels. Sustainable Artist will also work to secure exhibition opportunities for participating artists and has made connections with local art institutions in Yorkshire such as Scott Creative Art Foundation to provide mentorship and networking.

“We believe that art should be accessible to people from all walks of life,” said Ola David, director of Sustainable Artist. “Our goal is to break down barriers in the art world and provide meaningful support for artists to overcome obstacles like lack of access to resources, networks, and representation. We want to empower artists to share their creative vision and make a living from their art.”

About Sustainable Green Globe

Sustainable Green Globe is a SME that provides sustainable wall art for commercial and residential spaces across the UK. Sustainable Artist is their latest social impact initiative aimed at cultivating career advancement and empowering artists from all backgrounds.